
The plugin system is still in beta for now.

Supported Plugins

The plugins are used to extend the functionality of the wiki. Most of them are accessible through the use of tags. For now there are only a few supported.

  • [[draw]] Allows you to add an interactive drawio drawing to the wiki.
  • [[info]], [[warning]], [[danger]], [[success]] Adds a nice alert message.
  • [[ page: some-page ]] Allows to show an other page in the current one.

Adding a plugin

Add the plugin to the plugins folder and add the foldername to section plugins in the wikmd-config.yaml file.


Plugins are listed inside the plugins folder.

├─ plugin1/
│  ├─
│  ├─ ...
├─ plugin2/
│  ├─
│  ├─ ...
├─ .../

The name of the plugin should be the same as the folder. Inside the python file should be a Plugin class, this is the class that will be loaded into the python program.


For now there are only a few supported methods that can be added to the Plugin class. Feel free to extend them!

get_plugin_name() -> str required

This method should return the name of the plugin.

process_md(md: str) -> str optional

This method will be called before saving the markdown file. The returned string is the content of the saved file.

process_html(md: str) -> str optional

This method will be called before showing the html page. The returned string is the content of the html file that will be shown.

communicate_plugin(request) -> str optional

The parameter request is the POST request thats returned by /plug_com (plugin communication).