Configuration with environment variables

You can change static locations using Environment variables. Using (in linux):

export <env>=<value or path>


The homepage is defaulted to the “” file. If you want to use a different file, you can specify the file to use for the homepage with the environment variable HOMEPAGE as well as the title with HOMEPAGE_TITLE.

export HOMEPAGE=<location>
export HOMEPAGE_TITLE=<title>

Custom port and host

You can change the host and port value by respectively changing the WIKMD_HOST and WIKMD_PORT variable.

export WIKMD_HOST=
export WIKMD_PORT=80

Custom data path

Usually, wikmd looks for content in the subfolder wiki. In case you want to store your wiki data somewhere else, you can set a custom data path via the environment variable WIKI_DIRECTORY:

export WIKI_DIRECTORY="~/.wikidata"

Custom picture upload

It’s possible to add a custom picture upload path. This is done by adding a IMAGE_ROUTE environment variable.

export IMAGES_ROUTE="media/pictures"

Password protect

It’s possible to password protect changing and removing of files. This can be done using the following parameters:

export PASSWORD_IN_SHA_256 = <your password in sha 256>

You can generate it via the console or just us a website (ex.

Local Mode

If enabled wikmd will serve all css and js files itself. Otherwise the CDNs jsdelivr, cloudflare, polyfill and unpkg will be used.

Default = False

export LOCAL_MODE=True

Optimize Images

If enabled optimizes images by converting them to webp files. Allowed values are no, lossless and lossy.

  lossless lossy
gif lossless lossless
jpg near lossless lossy
png lossless lossless

Default = "no"

export OPTIMIZE_IMAGES="lossy"

How to install webp

You need to have the programs cwebp and gif2webp installed to use this feature. Everyone not listed below has to get the binaries themselves:

Operating System How to install
Arch & Manjaro pacman -S libwebp
Alpine apk add libwebp-tools
Debian & Ubuntu apt install webp
Fedora dnf install libwebp-tools
macOS homebrew brew install webp
macOS MacPorts port install webp
OpenSuse zypper install libwebp-tools


By default wikmd will cache wiki pages to /dev/shm/wikmd/cache, changing this option changes the directory that cached files will be stored in.

Do not change this location to be within your Markdown documents directory.

Default = "/dev/shm/wikmd/cache"

export CACHE_DIR="/some/other/path"

Search index location

By default wikmd will store its search index in /dev/shm/wikmd/searchindex, changing this option changes the directory that the search index will be stored in.

Do not change this location to be within your Markdown documents directory.

Default = "/dev/shm/wikmd/searchindex"

export SEARCH_DIR="/some/other/path"

Change logging file

In case you need to rename the log file you can use WIKMD_LOGGING_FILE.

Default = wikmd.log

export WIKMD_LOGGING_FILE=custom_log.log

Disable logging

You could optionaly choose to disable logging by setting the environment variable WIKMD_LOGGING to 0.

Default = 1


Enable synchronization with remote repo

You could specify if you want to synchronize the wiki with your personal remote git repo.

To do this, set the environment variable SYNC_WITH_REMOTE to 1.


Also set the environment variable REMOTE_URL to your remote repo URL.

export REMOTE_URL=""

Custom git user and email

If you want to use custom git user and email, set the environment variables GIT_USER and GIT_EMAIL.

The default user is wikmd and the email is

export GIT_USER="your_user"
export GIT_EMAIL=""

Custom main branch name

You can specify a custom name for the main branch of the wiki repo setting the MAIN_BRANCH_NAME environment variable. The default value is the new standard main, but a common older choice is master.

export MAIN_BRANCH_NAME="master"